Saturday, February 14, 2009

Un-lovely Health

If you don't celebrate Valentine's Day or believe it is just another holiday perpetuated by flower and candy corporations, then this is the blog post for you. In the previous post, I briefly mentioned the health benefits associated with love. Now, let's explore some of the health consequences.

One of the health consequences is obvious -- kissing is icky. Kissing is an easy way to transmit oral bacteria. Bacteria that builds up in someone's mouth can easily spread through saliva. One study suggested that a type of bacteria that causes cavities may transmit itself through saliva, "Streptoccus mutans is the bacterium blamed for causing cavities, and may be transmissible through saliva."

Speaking of cavities, the chocolate and candy people eat during Valentine's Day can increase your risk of getting cavities. Oral bacteria use sugar as a form of energy to grow and stick to your teeth. A root canal is not lovely. Plus, some dentists have claimed that oral plaque can increase your risk of heart disease.

Avoid bacteria,
Your Sarasota Health Blogger

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