Thursday, April 9, 2009

NPHW Day 4: Health at Schools

The American Public Health Association is increasing awareness today about unhealthy food options in American schools. "Public health professional shave made great strides in raising awareness of the importance of getting unhealthy vending machines out of schools and replacing them with healthy options...But it's not enough. Too many schools continue to sell high calorie foods because they need the additional revenue to cover budget shortfalls."

A recent study showed startling statistics on what vending machine foods are available to students at school.

80% of the snacks were candy, chips, or sweet baked goods
.0026% of the snack options were fruits or vegetables
75% of the drinks had poor nutritional value
85% of snacks had poor nutritional value

Some school districts have successfully eliminated unhealthy food and drink options from public schools, like this district in California. More schools are considering a ban on unhealthy vending machine options as criticism mounts over the negative health consequences. Although money is an issue, one major report found that schools can raise just as much money without unhealthy food options than with.

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