Sunday, September 28, 2008

Blue Zones

Lifestyle and health are tied together. Physical, psychological, and social factors are highly related to our overall well-being. An interesting research project has identified several areas of the world where health expectancy exceeds 90 to 100 years at consistent rates. A few of these areas are the mountainous Barbagia region of Sardinia off the coast of Italy, the Japanese Island of Okinawa, and the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica.

Researchers have identified several health variables that are consistent across these areas that might be the cause of their high life expectancies. These variables are-

Close family and social networks that are active and integrated in the community
No smoking
Constant moderate physical activity (such as agriculture work)
Plant-based diet

Overall, these close-knit communities have low-stress lifestyles, healthy diets, and positive social relationships.

ABC News wrote an article about Blue Zones earlier this year. The article can be found here.

This is a video of a CNN segment on Blue Zones-

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When I am 100 years old, I hope to be wielding a machete (for gardening purposes) just like Conchita. What a fascinating segment.

The segment states “most of longevity dictated by lifestyle rather than genes”. So it prompts one to wonder what we can do to create a blue zone right here ...